It Lives!
I have been on & off working on getting my Twilio to work on heroku after I got my celery to work. Its been a pain in the butt. Since I wasn't figuring it out, I started playing with Google Map's API, JSON & datetime objects. But last Thursday night, after going over blogs, some docs, my app and my Twilio account and it hit me! *start the fireworks*My celery is able to process the vehicle information and send the request to Twilio, but Twilio didn't recognize my Twilio phone number. So I played around looking up git hub accounts and some docs. But I couldn't figure it out. So I did Twilio's quick start examples and then I started looking around in my Twilio account and I noticed something, my twilio was set up for ngrok http request which was set up from the Twilio presentation back in early November. Since it wasn't an issue when I ran it locally I never had to change it. Now its going through heroku, it needed to change for the request to to Twilio to come from the actual url. This is why I wasn't able to figure out why it wasn't working, I had it set up with something that all the tutorials and docs wouldn't have had.
Now that I figure that out I had a different error (shout out for different errors!) This had to do with processing, and thats when I remember that I saw a library in an example requirements that I didn't have - gunicorn. Once I commit this to my heroku I tried it out.
~~~OMG!!! It works! It works!~~~
My heroku site works! Like most of my experience with depolying....
When I tired it on my phone, I got an error :(
It turns out that my firebase data process is taking too long and heroku times it out (it took about 1 minute to get it all done because I had my program wait for 30 seconds to compare the distance of the transit vehicle). So I had to comment out part of that code, so its just getting the closest transit vehicle instead of verifing if it the closest vehicle has already past and getting the closest vehicle that hasn't past the user. This means that when it selects the "wrong" vehicle (the vehicle that has already passed my user, but still on the same transit line), the text message would be sent out earlier, which isn't the worst thing in the world. I'll have to figure out another way to do this instead of waiting 30 seconds and comparing - on the TODO list!I tired it on Friday morning and yeah! It works, it works! *happy dance* For the past day I've been playing with a new color scheme and font. I would love to get some feedback on the design and in the near future I would love to have some testers:
~~Its still in Pre-Alpha of Development ~~