Google I/O- Day 2

I felt so much better and I was couldn't wait to get started.

We started with the "Accessibility is My Favorite Part of the Platform." Rob talked about the importances of building applications with accessibility in mind, diversity of accessibility needs, guidelines and tricks. He covered different large categories of accessibility and how it can be short term, long term or permanent. Rob shared ARIA and how he uses it. For early sign up for Web Accessibility Udacity Course, go to

 After lunch we went to "Search and the Mobile Content Ecosystem." Richard Gingras talked about how search has evolved and what the future looks like. He started with how google searches looked before, just blue links, to now having content that is richer and faster. He shared that using Accelerated Mobil Pages (AMP) can increase the load time, improve user experience and proved in search results richer content.
"The Mobile Web: State of the Union" was the next session! Rahul Roy-chowdhury talked about Progressive Web Apps and how there are four categories for great mobil access: accelerate, engage, convert & retain. He shared that using Accelerated Mobile Pages and Progressive Web Apps increase the load speed for applications by allowing users to be able to scroll immediately through passive event listeners. It keeps the user engaged by using service workers (which install small portions of the app that is need for that particular content). They can also be used offline, through access to cache content and it pre-caches content as well. By having a better user experience, users are more likely to use complete transactions and Rahul introduced Credential Management API, which when credentials are saved in chrome, they can be accessed into apps, allowing fewer steps for users.
Then it was all about Polymer at the "Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern Web" by Taylor Savage. He went through how polymer can support Progressive Web Apps by limiting the amount of meta frameworks. Polymer is designed to be components based and that allows customization and ability to use parts or all for your web app. He also shared that with polymer the components that are written can be used again versus using another framework in which those components are only viable within that framework.
Then it was dinner time and I/O after hours. I need to collect a few resources from other people for this post, but it'll be up as soon as possible.

Google I/O- Day 2 After Hours & surprise


Google I/O- Day 1